Sunday, May 25, 2008

The battle with menopause and weight

Auggh! The sheer pain of this......Years ago I had the great little body, worked out 1 1/2 -2 hours a day and watched what I ate. Then 'it' happened! Menopause!
I could not sleep so was too tired to get up and work out, was lazy, exhausted all the time, then those fabulous sweats---. I would go to bed in my jammies, over the night take off the top, then the bottoms, then I would soak that side of the bed-- (thankfully I am single) then slide over to the other side of the bed.
Slowly and surely the weight came on- the baggy clothes came out and I got more and more depressed.
I had been so proud thinking I could go through this 'change of life' by using homeopathic remedies-- but without the sleep I finally started taking sleeping pills-- the St. Johns Wart was no longer strong enough to let me have a good solid sleep.
Then after awhile the lack of energy, the sweats that were now hitting me during the day and in a moments notice where also too much- so I marched over to my doctor- who does like prescribing drugs for anything- and demanded he put me on hormones. Within days I felt better, the sweats under control, sleep came and I spent a few months regaining my energy and 'disposition'.... along with keeping the extra 10-15 pounds which I swear jumped on me the day after my 45 birthday!
For the next few months I am going to try to get rid of this weight and you are invited to join me on this quest, suggestions are welcome.
To start with I am now going to go for 1 1/2 hour walk/ run twice a day- and add 1/2 hour of ab exercises in the morning-- I will keep you posted.
Weight today is 133!
Tomorrow and as we go I will add the diet concept to this- green tea will become my friend again- and wine is my thief and major enemy.
I must tell you this next few weeks is not going to be a 'diet' that any doctor would want you to go on- so please ignore the bad nutrition- I simply have to get back into some of my clothes, feel more energetic and happy..... the reason alot of us want to lose weight.

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